Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dairi ethnic

Batak alphabet   Batak


The Batak alphabet, or surat batak, is descended ultimately from the from Brahmi script of ancient India by way of the Pallava and Old Kawi scripts.

Notable features

  • Batak is a syllabic alphabet - each consonant (aksara) has an inherent vowel. Other vowels or the absence of vowels can be indicated using diacritics which appear above, below or after the consonant letter.
  • Batak is traditionally written from bottom to top in vertical columns running from left to right on strips of bamboo held together with string.

Used to write:

The Batak languages of northern Sumatra - Karo Batak, Toba Batak, Dairi Batak, Simalungun/Timur, Angkola and Mandailing Batak, and occasionally Malay. In most Batak communities, only the datu (priests) are able to read and write the Batak alphabet and they use it mainly for calendars and magical texts.
There are slight variations in the letters and vowel diacritics used to write each language.

Karo Batak syllabic alphabet

Karo Batak is an Austronesian language with about 600,000 speaks in the central and northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Karo Batak syllabic alphabet

Vowel diacritics with ka

Karo Batak vowel diacritics

Toba Batak syllabic alphabet

Dairi Batak, which is also known as Batak Toba and Batta, is an Austronesian language spoken by about 2 million people in the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Toba Batak syllabic alphabet

Vowel diacritics with ka

Toba Batak vowel diacritics

Dairi Batak syllabic alphabet

Dairi Batak, which is also known as Dairi, Pakpak and Pakpak Dairi, is an Austronesian language with about 1.2 million speakers in the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Dairi/Pakpak syllabic alphabet

Vowel diacritics with ka

Dairi/Pakpak vowel diacritics

Simalungun/Timur syllabic alphabet

Simalungun, which is also known as Timur and Simelungan, is an Austronesian language spoken by about 800,000 people in the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Simalung/Timur syllabic alphabet

Vowel diacritics with ka

Simalung/Timur vowel diacritics

Mandaling Batak syllabic alphabet

Mandaling Batak or Batta is an Austronesian language with about 400,000 speakers in the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Mandaling Batak syllabic alphabet

Vowel diacritics with ka

Mandaling Batak vowel diacritics

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Lake Toba is a volcanic lake that occur when a volcanic explosion at 69000-77000 years ago, is expected as well as one of the largest volcanic explosion in the world.

After the explosion, created a caldera (basin on the ground after a volcanic eruption) which is then filled by water and we now know as Lake Toba.

Middle of Lake Toba also has a small island which is also called the island of Samosir.

If friends all want to go see the lake Toba, it is advisable to drop into town Parapat. From there can see the beautiful lake toba clearer. Parapat also one tourist city in northern Sumatra. So do not worry for business accommodation, hospitality, and the like. Hopefully there is available. And also later from Parapat Toba access to other nearby tourist kedaerah easier, because no ship, ferry, or the like that are ready to transport.

The majority ethnic population in the vicinity of Lake Toba is a hobo. In general, people over there livelihood as farmers, traders, and fishermen. Personal Sy actually quite impressed with its natural lake toba and potential regardless of the facts that say that the number of tourists has dropped there from lack of attention and care of a responsible party.

Whatever it is Lake Toba is going to be our joint responsibility and obligation to preserve. Other interesting tourist info.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lake Toba

              Lake Toba is an immense volcanic lake covering an area of 1707 sq km (1,000 sq km bigger than Singapore) with an island in the center. Formed by a gigantic volcanic eruption some 70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest resurgent caldera on Earth. Some studies say it might have been associated with causing previous ice age/climate change and the largest human population bottleneck ever. Genetic estimates suggests that there were only a few thousand individuals that survived the catastrophe. The island in the middle - Pulau Samosir - was joined to the caldera wall by a narrow isthmus, which was cut through to enable boats to pass; a road bridge crosses the cutting. Samosir island is the cultural centre of Batak tribe who are mostly Christians in the modern days.
Lake Toba used to be popular tourist destination but now not many tourist come, which means many services, no crowds, cheap prices and friendly locals grateful for your business. It is a great laid back place to chill out for a few days after jungle trekking etc. The location is very popular with Chinese tourists around Chinese New Year, when availability drops dramatically and accommodation costs are known to sky rocket.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


           Forest fungsian diversion Register 66, especially for the benefit of mining to development projects in our village Sopokomil / Parongil Kec. Silima Pungga HKBP Sumbari Parongil Kab> Dairi, NEW VERSION! HOW TO KNOW WHO UK3 UNISRI, Huria Kristen Batak Protestant, Facebook Mobile, SMA N1-PUNGGA SILIMA PUNGGA, I COMPANY mining lead and zinc PT Dairi Prima Mineral (DPM for the construction project in our village Sopokomil / Parongil Kec. Silima Pungga PKK to Suspect TB Case Detection in Subdistrict New Medan, Medan (2006) "and" Baseline Survey Data Halth Status of People in Parongil village, Silima Sipungga-pungga Silima Pungga Pungga of Village-MINING REGION Parongil Dairi has found one in a mining area located Hamlet Sopokomil kec.Silima Pungga In Dairi has found a mining area located in the hamlet Sopokomil kec.Silima Pungga-Pungga.Di Crop Durian seeds such, derived from General Parongil Village, Head of Regional Personnel, Head of Mining August 17 'spill' in SMA Negeri 1 Parongil Field to see it. Camat Silima Pungga No.27 Jalan Sisingamangaraja Parongil 22 262, Tel. (0627) 434047 Email region submitted to the district; Download Profile Complete: Sub Silima Pungga SIDIKALANG (AFP): Dozens of villages in two districts namely Parira Lae District and Sub-pungga Silima Pungga as its capital Parongil cooped up because of one Silima Pungga-Pungga is a district in Dairi Regency, North Sumatra. Pangaroan · Lae Lae Lae Panginuman · Rambong · Longkotan · Palipi · Parongil Given this reality (of Mines will be opened), the Rev.. J. Panggabean, STh invite Mr. Jannes Hutahayan come to the Pastor and Pastor in Sub-pungga Silima Pungga and Lae Parira following objectives: Establish Forum Deputy Treasurer: Rev.. Panjaitan (GPSI Reverend Parongil). Then FK-GKL Field declared in the Land of the father Ediman Panjaitan, on 05 November 2007, with the inaugural executive boards as well as FK-GKL, such as the First Meeting Dairi Prima Mineral (DPM), exactly didusun Sopokomil, Sub-pungga pungga Silima, Dairi, North Sumatra ie A black tin and zinc mining which is owned largely by foreign Companies from Australia, There is an incredible SMA N 1 Silima pungga-pungga, Parongil which might be unusual in school-lain.Setiap school Friday morning, Gymnastics Freshness Physical (SKJ ) may be routine in schools, other schools but not at my high school used to DPM a mining Tin and Zinc which is owned by foreigners, which of course requires a proficient workforce inggris.PT.DPM itself also never held an English Speech Competition for the fact there are many more that can be visited in Sub-pungga pungga Silima, As Housing DPM and Mines, which are visited orang.Menara Phone Laepanginuman village because there are a spring, which in particular mid 2007-2009, the capital Parongil Sub-Silima pungga pungga suddenly turn into a super busy city from the previous 24 hours full of silence. Car weight until the vehicle turns taking care of the exclusive exploration and Looking productivity target of one million tons per year, the mining operations take a minimum of 17 years. The deadline is likely to be growing as continued exploration in other areas of the contract works area of ​​26 thousand Sub Silima Pungga Parongil Pungga with the capital district, is one of 15 districts in Dairi, geographically located in the northwest portion of Sidikalang, the capital of Dairi great opportunity at a height that is expected to spur increased public welfare Silima Pungga Pungga District is the presence of investors in the mining sector. The presence of mining company PT Dairi Prima Mineral expected Districts Silima Pungga Parongil Pungga with the capital district, is one of 15 districts in Dairi, geographically located in the northwest portion of Sidikalang, the capital of Dairi Regency at an altitude of big opportunities that are expected to spur increased District social welfare Silima Pungga Pungga is the presence of investors in the mining sector. The presence of mining company PT Dairi Prima Mineral expected Kaitkata: Lapindo disaster, the forestry department, sopokomil village, environment, Sumatran tiger, Herald Resources Ltd., a register of protected forest of stone 66 Ardan, Dairi, sub-pungga silima pungga, Lapindo Brantas, Parongil, pt various mines, PT Dairi Prima .. Who created the article and I think that ngomentari already know exactly what it is mine, what is zinc, tin what it is, what is a lead, what PT Dairi Prima Mineral, how Dairi, Parongil or Sopokomil ... Johnny Sitohang Adinogoro; celebrate Detik-Detik Proclamation in Parongil Sub-Pungga Pungga Silima. Dairi Regent was accompanied by Vice Chairman of DPRD Kabupaten Dairi (Benpa Hisar Nababan), Kajari Sidikalang, Head of Works Department COMPANIES lead and zinc mining PT Dairi Prima Mineral (DPM) in the protected forest area register 66 Batu Ardan Sopokomil Hamlet, Village Longkotan, Sub Silima Punggapungga, Dairi, North Sumatra brother P. Manik Frankly we were not looking for hostilities in the struggle for development projects in our village Sopokomil / Parongil Kec. Silima Pungga-Pungga. Just simply dig a quality thinkers thinkers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Interactive Dialogue

        On 7 May 2011, I am pleased to inform you about the children's of Kopi Intel dialogue with the  Dairi Regent Mr. J. Sitohang Adhinagoro about the state of Dairi and development. One of Intel's Coffee child named Benny gave them plenty of interesting questions that make the conversation more interesting.
        With the pride of all who was there to listen if the Dairi was already highly developed in terms of education, culture, natural resources, and other potential possessed by Dairi.
This dialogue occurs in the hospital. Boromeus Bandung around 08.00 pm.
Not only regent who came, but the head of the Office of Education, and Director of the primary taps.
       A great pride for the 'Coffee Intel' on the willingness of the regents to do the dialogue.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Dairi rahun built in the late 1990's, have, an area of ​​10 hectares (ha) and was previously a forest weeds, now turned into a sacred place. Its location is on top of hill surrounded by pine forests and a mascot capital Dairi, Sidikalang.

Faith Tourism Park is in the City at an elevation hilltops Sidikalang form script. "S", Sitinjo and background faraway city, surrounded by thousands hektarareal Sumbul paddy fields of farmers who looked yellow.
Early into the area accompanied by TWI Dairi mountain wind, like stroking his face when we stood up, greeted the gates of the four pillars of religion in Indonesia. On the side of the Kaaba miniature Islamic religious complex, the impression this is naturalism unparalleled divine gift. Then the eye, sweeping the series of religious miniature Buddhist, Christian, Hindu background valleys and pine forests, as couple of words, "The Beauty of Coexistence."
Then welcome keberadaanm Buddhist Temple complex Sadhayana. The temple, once rang with the celebration of Vesak 1500, which was attended Buddhists, not just Buddhists of North Sumatra, but also from the island of Penang, Malaysia.Buddhist tourists from Malaysia, expressed his admiration with the form Vihara WTI Dairi, mentioned the location is very difficult to find. Moreover, according to Buddhist belief, how the Buddha Siddharta Gautama was born to the Supreme Court in the pine forest. The existence of the Temple of Sadhayana at TWI Dairi is a miracle and a privilege in itself.Stupa and several monasteries ornament accidentally imported from India would also China. While the Supreme Court Siddharta Gautama statue made of stone mountain Prumpun done in near Semarang, Central Java. TWI Dairi Vihara will be the center of Buddhist worship for pewisata from within and abroad. The complex will be kept in the monastery to serve the Buddhist Monk to worship.
Walking through the pine forest. Cherry trees that lined the streets rang with the chirping of birds into the beautiful scenery. Then visitors are shown on the statue of Abraham who menghunuskan sword to slaughter his son.Statue of Abraham, is a miniature of the district donated a Dairi, As an illustration of loyalty of children to the father. At least there are 14 miniature sculpture depicting Jesus Christ from his birth until he was crucified, has a religious meaning and messages agamais against adherents.Golgotha ​​hill with 3 cross at a 15-meter become the most crowded places visited by Christian pilgrims. Just below the cross is clearly visible from the City Sidikalang want any Sumbul City, looking statue of the Virgin Mary in the cave. Vase of flowers at the foot of the statue was never empty, always filled with pilgrims. The road down to the miniature bridge divides two rivers, Lae Pendaroh magnificent church building and hostel accommodations, is the final destination of pilgrims for prayer.
The road is still uphill left standing Hindu temple, temples with ornaments typical Balinese and Hindu Tamils, India. Its location is very strategic. When you take his eyes, still felt the whisper of the wind leads to the City Sumbul. When standing between two pillars of Balinese ornaments, like tertahanmenyaksikan gaze faraway, Bukit Barisan green.
Entering Islam welcomed the presence of complex Medina Mosque tower, dormitory building of Ka'ba and lodging. The area of ​​ground not far from the building ornaments, often used for religious events. This field is also often used as a helicopter landing field, not only officials but also the guests from abroad. Field events can also be used uni rituals of hajj. Perwiritan of religious celebrations among them, would also Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an Quran khatam ..
In the TWI Dairi location, available buildings inn with 17 rooms. Each room can accommodate for the capacity of 6 persons. Lodging is also prepared to be used for the treatment and cure of mental patients with drugs.Many people say, how the location of the Dairi TWI is very spectacular. Special messages from this location suggests, how wonderful living side by side, the diversity of religions in the Indonesian nation, a force if united. In essence, with mutual respect and respect among each other is authorized terbinanya strong unity


Continued Of Kopi Intel

well ....
In the previous post, we already know what it is Kopi Intel, and what the purpose of Kopi Intel.
For that purpose, the organization has made ​​several divisions.
For that, I created this website with the aim of:
1. Introducing culture to the whole community Dairi both Indonesia and the world
2. Introduce nature owned Dairi
3. Introduce natural wealth owned Dairi

so hopefully we are more famous, more advanced Dairi, Dairi known by the world and thus the economy is getting better.


Perhaps you are wondering, what is it "Dairi"?
Dairi is the name of a region precisely located in North Sumatra. Dairi, which is adistrict, is still very seldom heard by the masses.
What causes it?
certainly one reason because there are no famous places there.
But it all wrong.
Dairi has a regional tour that will be famous, wealth and potential, and the culture veryinteresting.
Here I have introduced some of the Dairi
and later on I will definitely demonstrate the advantages possessed by Dairi because Dairi inappropriate and very very worthy to be known by the whole world.

Our the Dairi lovers provide the best for Dairi.

its picture about Dairi:

it is the regent's office of dairi                                                                                    it is Dairi's Map

it is a Dairi Icon                                                                               and it is the nature of dairi


hello all,,,
 now I want to introduce a community I called "KOPI INTEL".
KOPI INTEL is a son or daughter Dairi community in IT Telkom.
Organizational development is very fast when only about 5 months, but on campus IT Telkom, they have been very popular.
Its main purpose at that time was as a chart to all members so that can share, stories,solve problems and others so that they become closer. 

Currently the number ofpermanent members of about 30 people.
One proof of the increase is holding by KOPI INTEL is KOPI CAMP precisely at 22 to 24 April 2011.  
organization that consists of only 30 people are able to hold large events such.
With fame, they are increasingly confident and ultimately expand their goals.
  Now they're busy dividing each division for the betterment of this community and for the achievement of goals KOPI INTEL.



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