Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Batak merupakan salah satu suku bangsa di Indonesia. Nama ini merupakan sebuah terma kolektif untuk mengidentifikasikan beberapa suku bangsa yang bermukim dan berasal dari Tapanuli dan Sumatera Timur, di Sumatera Utara. Suku bangsa yang dikategorikan sebagai Batak adalah: Batak Toba, Batak Karo, Batak Pakpak, Batak Simalungun, Batak Angkola, dan Batak Mandailing.  Mayoritas orang Batak menganut agama Kristen dan sisanya beragama Islam. Tetapi ada pula yang menganut agama Malim dan juga menganut kepercayaan animisme (disebut Sipelebegu atau Parbegu), walaupun kini jumlah penganut kedua ajaran ini sudah semakin berkurang.


Orang Batak adalah penutur bahasa Austronesia namun tidak diketahui kapan nenek moyang orang Batak pertama kali bermukim di Tapanuli dan Sumatera Timur. Bahasa dan bukti-bukti arkeologi menunjukkan bahwa orang yang berbahasa Austronesia dari Taiwan telah berpindah ke wilayah Filipina dan Indonesia sekitar 2.500 tahun lalu, yaitu di zaman batu muda (Neolitikum). [2]Karena hingga sekarang belum ada artefak Neolitikum (Zaman Batu Muda) yang ditemukan di wilayah Batak maka dapat diduga bahwa nenek moyang Batak baru bermigrasi ke Sumatra Utara di zaman logam. Pada abad ke-6, pedagang-pedagang Tamil asal India mendirikan kota dagang Barus, di pesisir barat Sumatera Utara. Mereka berdagang kapur Barus yang diusahakan oleh petani-petani di pedalaman. Kapur Barus dari tanah Batak bermutu tinggi sehingga menjadi salah satu komoditas ekspor di samping kemenyan. Pada abad ke-10, Barus diserang oleh Sriwijaya. Hal ini menyebabkan terusirnya pedagang-pedagang Tamil dari pesisir Sumatera[3]. Pada masa-masa berikutnya, perdagangan kapur Barus mulai banyak dikuasai oleh pedagang Minangkabau yang mendirikan koloni di pesisir barat dan timur Sumatera Utara. Koloni-koloni mereka terbentang dari Barus, Sorkam, hingga Natal[4].

[sunting] Identitas Batak

R.W Liddle mengatakan, bahwa sebelum abad ke-20 di Sumatra bagian utara tidak terdapat kelompok etnis sebagai satuan sosial yang koheren. Menurutnya sampai abad ke-19, interaksi sosial di daerah itu hanya terbatas pada hubungan antar individu, antar kelompok kekerabatan, atau antar kampung. Dan hampir tidak ada kesadaran untuk menjadi bagian dari satuan-satuan sosial dan politik yang lebih besar.[5] Pendapat lain mengemukakan, bahwa munculnya kesadaran mengenai sebuah keluarga besar Batak baru terjadi pada zaman kolonial.[6] Dalam disertasinya J. Pardede mengemukakan bahwa istilah "Tanah Batak" dan "rakyat Batak" diciptakan oleh pihak asing. Sebaliknya, Siti Omas Manurung, seorang istri dari putra pendeta Batak Toba menyatakan, bahwa sebelum kedatangan Belanda, semua orang baik Karo maupun Simalungun mengakui dirinya sebagai Batak, dan Belandalah yang telah membuat terpisahnya kelompok-kelompok tersebut. Sebuah mitos yang memiliki berbagai macam versi menyatakan, bahwa Pusuk Bukit, salah satu puncak di barat Danau Toba, adalah tempat "kelahiran" bangsa Batak. Selain itu mitos-mitos tersebut juga menyatakan bahwa nenek moyang orang Batak berasal dari Samosir.
Terbentuknya masyarakat Batak yang tersusun dari berbagai macam marga, sebagian disebabkan karena adanya migrasi keluarga-keluarga dari wilayah lain di Sumatra. Penelitian penting tentang tradisi Karo dilakukan oleh J.H Neumann, berdasarkan sastra lisan dan transkripsi dua naskah setempat, yaitu Pustaka Kembaren dan Pustaka Ginting. Menurut Pustaka Kembaren, daerah asal marga Kembaren dari Pagaruyung di Minangkabau. Orang Tamil diperkirakan juga menjadi unsur pembentuk masyarakat Karo. Hal ini terlihat dari banyaknya nama marga Karo yang diturunkan dari Bahasa Tamil. Orang-orang Tamil yang menjadi pedagang di pantai barat, lari ke pedalaman Sumatera akibat serangan pasukan Minangkabau yang datang pada abad ke-14 untuk menguasai Barus.[7]

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The 17th Dies Natalis UKkSU IT Telkom 2011 Feat Sammy simorangkir?

Strains of rock guitar distortion, drums percussion, booming bass has become a trend for music lovers, her special to you "young" (aq klu my old man .. ck .. ck ..). Hardrock genre a la Neutral, POP / Alternative style Peterpan, Rock'n Roll 80 'ala Changcuter and The Banery, Gothic Romantic style = TPU aka Burial Tombs and many genres of music that is highly developed significant at this time, young musicality Indonesia emng very tinggii, ga wonder klu skarang minors also already had a jazz band that Exiest industi music ... he ... he .. Cman capitalize Lock C-Am-DM-G was able to entertain our hearing ... ha .. ha cman capitalize liryk .. "5" word is enough stomp our feet .. ck .. ck .. nice to, yo .. let's steady going?? .. ck .. ck .. ck ...

Klu memorized the lyrics of the song hits western Indonesia ot lengkip with regular tune already mah atuh ck .. ck ..., But anyone remember his tone ama Hatasopisik song, The Flower Ri, Gondang Elek Elek-ga? Boro-boro tone not heard aja! Ha .. ha ... Said Batak people, often join the party customary ga tau? He .. Where do ai na sorts? (How sich = Batak)

About 2 years ago I was also very "green" about the musical hobo, even ga never occurred to dengarin musical hobo, still green right now anyway, but at least its already changed little green .. ha .. ha .. Beginning of the World Entering the campus and the invitation of a friend / brother is incorporated within an organization / SME on campus named UKKSU (Arts and Culture Unit of North Sumatra), I also joined, at first emng very confusing when looking at some of the Batak musical instruments in his secretary (the name for the Secretariat UKKSU) There are tubes of tangible, intangible iron slabs, wooden slats on the belt, a small guitar .. he .. he .. Seeing how confused he wrote maeninya dah .. he .. Brother who took me, advised to learn a musical instrument "Garantung" by reason of his playing technique there are similarities with playing the piano, since I can play the piano with pickup .. he .. he .., Batak musical instruments there are several types of them that still I know,

* Gondang / Tagading (drums)
* Gong (Gong yes .. he ..)
* Harp (Hasapi)
* Garantung (musical instrument composed of wooden slats menjdi scales, which is played by being hit)
* Sarunei (flute, wind instrument similar to a Serulim) AND * Sulim (Flute)
besides that there are also guitar and Botolist (knocker Bottle) hehehe

Possible for us to play guitar, bass, keyboards, drums mah've always, .. pass lah .. but when learning a musical instrument hobo, emang somewhat difficult (he.. He ..) feel it should be able to unite harmony .. he .. every instrument of music, tempo and so on. but the word because ordinary people can Ala., with ach week of practice could eventually also maen Garantung with potluck too .. ha .. ha .. a few weeks of practice, with the agreement of our members agree to make a name Music Group, after the argument through a very tough ( ha ... ha ..) akhitnya we decided to name "TUROHA" the klu mean "THE HEART" of music that originated and intended for such a lack of heart .. more lah. Adapaun who became personail this team are:

-TUROHA Group and Team Dancers UKKSU IT Telkom-

Cowo Standing, from Left to Right

* Alfonisius '06 (Gong)
Proto '07 * Max King (Garantung)
* LeoSimamora '06 (Sulim)
* Bernad '07 (Tim Dancer)
* Domu (Tim Dancer)
* Adnan Sipayung '07 (Tim Dancer)
* Ronny "08 (Drum)
* Jefri Simorangkir '07 (Husapi / lute)

Cewe Standing Left to Right

* Vera Sirait "07 (Tim Dancer)
* Ida "07 (Tim Dancer)
* Ina "07 (Tim Dancer)
* Bertha "07 (Tim Dancer)
* Madellla "07 (Team dancers)

Sitting Cowo LEFT to RIGHT

* Joseph (wrinkled) Siahaan '07 (Tim dancer / Vocals)
* King Pangaribuan "08 (Gong)
* January Piter "07 (guitar)
* Rianto Silalahi "08 (Sulim)
* Juwindar Simanjuntak'08 (Garantung) Gaikut Fotoan .. he ...

06 '07' 08 denotes force entry Lecture in It Telkom, Angktan 08 referred to as "TUROHA JUNIOR" and Force 06, 07 'up to the so-called "TUROHA SENIOR" this does not mean the existence of Gab perangkatan but the steps taken for the process of regeneration.

Regular exercise we do every week is a preparation for the event which will dielenggarakan UKKSU and IT TELKOM campus, the event include:

Anniversary UKKSU, merupkan annual event to celebrate the anniversary of the fall UKKSU pda in May. The event featured cultural performances especially the culture of North Sumatra, and also collaborate with other areas such as SMEs from Bali (Balinese SMEs) Java (Java SMEs), Sunda (SWS), Betawi (UKB), Sulawesi (UKMS), Aceh, Padang, and other areas. in this event displayed dances, fashion shows, spoofs, songs dri northern Sumatra, and northern Sumatran ethnic music, as it also collaborate with other areas of music and dance are combined into a music or dance collaboration. At this event there is also a part of menampilakn modern art like dance and music are combined with the ethnic culture, a treat that appeals to the audience. Anniversary events are also always invited artist Sumaera northern origin who have become celebrities Indonesia, as in the years seblumnya event invites Margaret Dies mamia, Bona Idonesia Idol .. etc. .. Anniversary events UKKSU IT Telkom is one-tungu awaited event every year by all IT Telkom students either ethnic or non-Batak Batak

KNSU (Sheen Shades of North Sumatra), the event was organized by IT telecoms UKKSU within four years, this event is much different tidah ith Anniversary, it's just a larger scale, because before the day of "H" are organizing several events such as race addressed to students and GENERAL, either in the form of Vocal Group, choirs, Fashion shows and sebgainya. In addition to the race event before the day tsbt 'H' Culture Exhibition held also in the gallery include photos, custom clothing, "food" typical hobo, crafts and hal2 ynag northern Sumatra in touch with the culture of North Sumatra. On the day of "H" event dilakuakn almost sma with Anniversary events, in addition to the announcement of the winners of each perlomba.

Pagoda Festival, a cultural performance organized by the IT Telkom as a forum to showcase each of the regional culture that exist in IT Telkom, this event diperlombakan between each region. Her show, among others, the traditional dress fashion show each region, Dance and Music each region. This cultural event has just Enchantment terlenggara in IT Telkom.

Besides appearing at events Campus Intern, On several occasions we have also been invited on several events which until recently was still disekitaran Bandung, the events include:

* As a musician at the Christmas Celebration of Youth / i GKPS (Protestant Christian Church Simalungun) East Bandung, In this event TUROHA entrusted as a musician at the Worship Service and Celebration. With Nuance Music theme of Batak bring some Christmas songs, daik in the Indonesian language, English Nor Simalungun Batak. This appearance is the first appearance of what we do off-campus and on this occasion we also bet with FULL Team. Overall how it runs fine.

* Filler Event Anniversary event at the Polytechnic Bandung, in the event we just take it one song called "Alusiau". on this occasion the instrument we use it just be some, namely Gondang / Tagading + Back Vocals (Nobel Sitorus) Akkustic Lead Guitar (Jefri Simorangkir) Guitar Rtyhm (Jan Piter) Bas (Max King Purba), Marudut Sibue (aru) and Joseph Siahaan (Snorkack) in Vocal event is to carve a new history for me (ck.. ck .. ck ..) because first learned to play bass performance directly preformance an event. (He.. He.: Desperate mode on:) i Overall our performance was less than the maximum, there are some (few or several .. he ..) errors in the songs sung, probably less than the maximum krn preparation and a few things. But even though such opportunity is our advantage as the experience of performing in front of many people carry an appearance of Batak culture. For it is not an easy thing to be able to perform in front of hundreds of people.

* Fillers Christmas Celebration event at Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, to bring about a Batak song entitled "Nomensen" TUROHA appear with formation: Marudut Sibuea (Vocals) Leo Simamora (Sulim) Leo Simaora (Sulim), Jefri Simorangkir (Husapi), Max King Ancient (Rhytm guitar), Alfonsius (Gong). Perhaps the appearance of each personaiil TUROHA often change positions, it is krn at every appearance ga all personnel can participate, because still anaq since college .. he .. he .., there may be assignment, practical work, presentations and so on .. he .. . .... because he son "principled TUROHA fixed priority COLLEGE ... like when we exercise often say" Do not get distracted because of this Turoha COLLEGE ".. you know .. you know .. the opposite wat. ha. . ha ... we joke during training at the secretariat. To look at this event was pretty good, but should still exercise more seriously lgi.

Participant in PDKT (Introduction to World Campus Telecommunications IT Telkom), an event organized by the campus to introduce local SMEs in the IT academy environment Telkom, actionable opportunities we come up with a team of dancers, and performances interspersed with performances of SMEs also other areas, such as Bali, Padang, Sulawesi, Java, Betawi etc..

The event at the Performing Cultural filler KMP3D (Dairi) on this occasion we were invited to bring two dances from the north Sumatran hatasopisik (Batak Toba) and Haroan Bolon (Batak Simalungun) event was enlivened by the appearance of Tongam Sirait bang.

In addition to the above event event mash abnyak ACRA has Turoha follow, including events held Oelh UKkSU Routine and on-campus Intern

Similarly, we will enthusiastically Music Etnict Batak, albeit with musical abilities may still be limited, we try to keep learning more about the Batak music, not that we are people who do not mneyenangi songs (moedern) Hits Indonesia, it is actually all Team Members of the basic all of his Modern Music! he .. he .., Accidental Music Hits Indonesia / West bertenger in Top Chart song, also became one of our songs Kulik Convert to the strains of Batak etnick! he ... imagine Ngga song "No gendongya" And I'm Yours champion Surip J'Mraz his voice lacks the etnict Tagading, Husapi Gong and garantung?? he .. he .. At the bottom line of Modern Music and Etnict Batak very interesting and entertaining, but as a nation that loves Batak homeland and its culture, Minimal we know little more about Music ettnic Batak culture in particular and generally northern Sumatra.

how about Dies Natalis UKkSU on this years???
Come to the Dies Natalis UKkSU in:
12th November 2011

it use a big and modern tecnology


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The i-Phones 4S tarrifs - Graphically and in an Sreadsheet (Update)

So, if you question the iPhone 4S think you really believe that the signature looks of the 24-month contract with the operator is too expensive.
It appears this is not happening: When you calculate how much the contract, if the cost is only a phone (which can be found at the Apple Store online) to add, you can get some deals that are cheaper than buying localize to get the phone open and then with a contract SIM- only. (We have used only if the sample GiffGaff SIM with £ 15 per month rate. It is cheap, as one service provider at this time.)
Apparently, for example, for each phone model, during the term of the contract is cheaper to go with O2 or Orange as just about to buy a phone and SIM-only contracts.Note that you may not be the same information: GiffGaff said, it offers unlimited web, where two others did not.
The whole area is a family of mobile phone contract, in fact. The price offered here are usually for people, a contract for the first time or upgrading from feature phones to smartphones (and possibly data) for the first time. If you already have a smartphone (including the old iPhone), or you are on a contract or something, you can probably negotiate a better deal. You should also consider what is that "minute" offer to offer - offer free phone calls, some are cheaper than other mobile costs, and so on. Look at the pattern of existing calls, SMS and data usage (if available) to see which one best suits you.
This table is not complete, because the combination may be very large. O2 (pricing announced Friday night), we participate in a normal contract plus £ 5 per month data "bolt" You are 500 MB, and therefore generally comparable with other offers.
Not all contracts are exactly 20 pounds, 25 pounds per month, etc., but where they differ, we have the proper ownership of the contract price is calculated. Prices are rounded to the nearest pound in all cases.
From our calculations, the best usually three transactions. The most expensive - usually (but not always) - with Vodafone.
But here is a picture that compares the cost of the phone. Cheapest mobile phone contract in full: Three for the 16GB iPhone 4S, which in total (approximately 24 months) from £ 849 cost of the phone is locked, which cost £ 499, with a contract of £ 30 per month (which is effectively save £ 370 in total the cost. To buy the same just to get the phone unlocked, you will have a cost of £ 14.60 per month contract.
In general, three came from many cheapest contract plan, if you are looking for large data sets or telephones, but O2 and Orange are also less expensive. On several occasions, at least one (and often two or three) O2, Three and Orange work cheaper than a SIM-only contracts. Note: - I will reaffirm - that says nothing for several minutes, text or data (which is very difficult to compare directly, this type of analysis).
Also note that the graphics using a fake source, at 700 pounds from.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dairi ethnic

Batak alphabet   Batak


The Batak alphabet, or surat batak, is descended ultimately from the from Brahmi script of ancient India by way of the Pallava and Old Kawi scripts.

Notable features

  • Batak is a syllabic alphabet - each consonant (aksara) has an inherent vowel. Other vowels or the absence of vowels can be indicated using diacritics which appear above, below or after the consonant letter.
  • Batak is traditionally written from bottom to top in vertical columns running from left to right on strips of bamboo held together with string.

Used to write:

The Batak languages of northern Sumatra - Karo Batak, Toba Batak, Dairi Batak, Simalungun/Timur, Angkola and Mandailing Batak, and occasionally Malay. In most Batak communities, only the datu (priests) are able to read and write the Batak alphabet and they use it mainly for calendars and magical texts.
There are slight variations in the letters and vowel diacritics used to write each language.

Karo Batak syllabic alphabet

Karo Batak is an Austronesian language with about 600,000 speaks in the central and northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Karo Batak syllabic alphabet

Vowel diacritics with ka

Karo Batak vowel diacritics

Toba Batak syllabic alphabet

Dairi Batak, which is also known as Batak Toba and Batta, is an Austronesian language spoken by about 2 million people in the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Toba Batak syllabic alphabet

Vowel diacritics with ka

Toba Batak vowel diacritics

Dairi Batak syllabic alphabet

Dairi Batak, which is also known as Dairi, Pakpak and Pakpak Dairi, is an Austronesian language with about 1.2 million speakers in the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Dairi/Pakpak syllabic alphabet

Vowel diacritics with ka

Dairi/Pakpak vowel diacritics

Simalungun/Timur syllabic alphabet

Simalungun, which is also known as Timur and Simelungan, is an Austronesian language spoken by about 800,000 people in the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Simalung/Timur syllabic alphabet

Vowel diacritics with ka

Simalung/Timur vowel diacritics

Mandaling Batak syllabic alphabet

Mandaling Batak or Batta is an Austronesian language with about 400,000 speakers in the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Mandaling Batak syllabic alphabet

Vowel diacritics with ka

Mandaling Batak vowel diacritics

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Lake Toba is a volcanic lake that occur when a volcanic explosion at 69000-77000 years ago, is expected as well as one of the largest volcanic explosion in the world.

After the explosion, created a caldera (basin on the ground after a volcanic eruption) which is then filled by water and we now know as Lake Toba.

Middle of Lake Toba also has a small island which is also called the island of Samosir.

If friends all want to go see the lake Toba, it is advisable to drop into town Parapat. From there can see the beautiful lake toba clearer. Parapat also one tourist city in northern Sumatra. So do not worry for business accommodation, hospitality, and the like. Hopefully there is available. And also later from Parapat Toba access to other nearby tourist kedaerah easier, because no ship, ferry, or the like that are ready to transport.

The majority ethnic population in the vicinity of Lake Toba is a hobo. In general, people over there livelihood as farmers, traders, and fishermen. Personal Sy actually quite impressed with its natural lake toba and potential regardless of the facts that say that the number of tourists has dropped there from lack of attention and care of a responsible party.

Whatever it is Lake Toba is going to be our joint responsibility and obligation to preserve. Other interesting tourist info.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lake Toba

              Lake Toba is an immense volcanic lake covering an area of 1707 sq km (1,000 sq km bigger than Singapore) with an island in the center. Formed by a gigantic volcanic eruption some 70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest resurgent caldera on Earth. Some studies say it might have been associated with causing previous ice age/climate change and the largest human population bottleneck ever. Genetic estimates suggests that there were only a few thousand individuals that survived the catastrophe. The island in the middle - Pulau Samosir - was joined to the caldera wall by a narrow isthmus, which was cut through to enable boats to pass; a road bridge crosses the cutting. Samosir island is the cultural centre of Batak tribe who are mostly Christians in the modern days.
Lake Toba used to be popular tourist destination but now not many tourist come, which means many services, no crowds, cheap prices and friendly locals grateful for your business. It is a great laid back place to chill out for a few days after jungle trekking etc. The location is very popular with Chinese tourists around Chinese New Year, when availability drops dramatically and accommodation costs are known to sky rocket.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


           Forest fungsian diversion Register 66, especially for the benefit of mining to development projects in our village Sopokomil / Parongil Kec. Silima Pungga HKBP Sumbari Parongil Kab> Dairi, NEW VERSION! HOW TO KNOW WHO UK3 UNISRI, Huria Kristen Batak Protestant, Facebook Mobile, SMA N1-PUNGGA SILIMA PUNGGA, I COMPANY mining lead and zinc PT Dairi Prima Mineral (DPM for the construction project in our village Sopokomil / Parongil Kec. Silima Pungga PKK to Suspect TB Case Detection in Subdistrict New Medan, Medan (2006) "and" Baseline Survey Data Halth Status of People in Parongil village, Silima Sipungga-pungga Silima Pungga Pungga of Village-MINING REGION Parongil Dairi has found one in a mining area located Hamlet Sopokomil kec.Silima Pungga In Dairi has found a mining area located in the hamlet Sopokomil kec.Silima Pungga-Pungga.Di Crop Durian seeds such, derived from General Parongil Village, Head of Regional Personnel, Head of Mining August 17 'spill' in SMA Negeri 1 Parongil Field to see it. Camat Silima Pungga No.27 Jalan Sisingamangaraja Parongil 22 262, Tel. (0627) 434047 Email region submitted to the district; Download Profile Complete: Sub Silima Pungga SIDIKALANG (AFP): Dozens of villages in two districts namely Parira Lae District and Sub-pungga Silima Pungga as its capital Parongil cooped up because of one Silima Pungga-Pungga is a district in Dairi Regency, North Sumatra. Pangaroan · Lae Lae Lae Panginuman · Rambong · Longkotan · Palipi · Parongil Given this reality (of Mines will be opened), the Rev.. J. Panggabean, STh invite Mr. Jannes Hutahayan come to the Pastor and Pastor in Sub-pungga Silima Pungga and Lae Parira following objectives: Establish Forum Deputy Treasurer: Rev.. Panjaitan (GPSI Reverend Parongil). Then FK-GKL Field declared in the Land of the father Ediman Panjaitan, on 05 November 2007, with the inaugural executive boards as well as FK-GKL, such as the First Meeting Dairi Prima Mineral (DPM), exactly didusun Sopokomil, Sub-pungga pungga Silima, Dairi, North Sumatra ie A black tin and zinc mining which is owned largely by foreign Companies from Australia, There is an incredible SMA N 1 Silima pungga-pungga, Parongil which might be unusual in school-lain.Setiap school Friday morning, Gymnastics Freshness Physical (SKJ ) may be routine in schools, other schools but not at my high school used to DPM a mining Tin and Zinc which is owned by foreigners, which of course requires a proficient workforce inggris.PT.DPM itself also never held an English Speech Competition for the fact there are many more that can be visited in Sub-pungga pungga Silima, As Housing DPM and Mines, which are visited orang.Menara Phone Laepanginuman village because there are a spring, which in particular mid 2007-2009, the capital Parongil Sub-Silima pungga pungga suddenly turn into a super busy city from the previous 24 hours full of silence. Car weight until the vehicle turns taking care of the exclusive exploration and Looking productivity target of one million tons per year, the mining operations take a minimum of 17 years. The deadline is likely to be growing as continued exploration in other areas of the contract works area of ​​26 thousand Sub Silima Pungga Parongil Pungga with the capital district, is one of 15 districts in Dairi, geographically located in the northwest portion of Sidikalang, the capital of Dairi great opportunity at a height that is expected to spur increased public welfare Silima Pungga Pungga District is the presence of investors in the mining sector. The presence of mining company PT Dairi Prima Mineral expected Districts Silima Pungga Parongil Pungga with the capital district, is one of 15 districts in Dairi, geographically located in the northwest portion of Sidikalang, the capital of Dairi Regency at an altitude of big opportunities that are expected to spur increased District social welfare Silima Pungga Pungga is the presence of investors in the mining sector. The presence of mining company PT Dairi Prima Mineral expected Kaitkata: Lapindo disaster, the forestry department, sopokomil village, environment, Sumatran tiger, Herald Resources Ltd., a register of protected forest of stone 66 Ardan, Dairi, sub-pungga silima pungga, Lapindo Brantas, Parongil, pt various mines, PT Dairi Prima .. Who created the article and I think that ngomentari already know exactly what it is mine, what is zinc, tin what it is, what is a lead, what PT Dairi Prima Mineral, how Dairi, Parongil or Sopokomil ... Johnny Sitohang Adinogoro; celebrate Detik-Detik Proclamation in Parongil Sub-Pungga Pungga Silima. Dairi Regent was accompanied by Vice Chairman of DPRD Kabupaten Dairi (Benpa Hisar Nababan), Kajari Sidikalang, Head of Works Department COMPANIES lead and zinc mining PT Dairi Prima Mineral (DPM) in the protected forest area register 66 Batu Ardan Sopokomil Hamlet, Village Longkotan, Sub Silima Punggapungga, Dairi, North Sumatra brother P. Manik Frankly we were not looking for hostilities in the struggle for development projects in our village Sopokomil / Parongil Kec. Silima Pungga-Pungga. Just simply dig a quality thinkers thinkers


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