Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Interactive Dialogue

        On 7 May 2011, I am pleased to inform you about the children's of Kopi Intel dialogue with the  Dairi Regent Mr. J. Sitohang Adhinagoro about the state of Dairi and development. One of Intel's Coffee child named Benny gave them plenty of interesting questions that make the conversation more interesting.
        With the pride of all who was there to listen if the Dairi was already highly developed in terms of education, culture, natural resources, and other potential possessed by Dairi.
This dialogue occurs in the hospital. Boromeus Bandung around 08.00 pm.
Not only regent who came, but the head of the Office of Education, and Director of the primary taps.
       A great pride for the 'Coffee Intel' on the willingness of the regents to do the dialogue.


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